Eric was a guest on the Stephanie O Show
Eric describes his book and why diversity is so important for business.
August 2018
22 minutes
Interview Part 1
Interview Part 2
Interview Part 3
Interview Part 4
Welcome to Better Me better we
We focus on the future of domestic and global diversity initiatives. Our saying is “Powerful communications advancing the diversity community.” To that end, in addition to publishing his first book, Diversify or Die, Eric Guthrie delivers speeches and conducts training and seminars on diversity, inclusion, and cross cultural communications around the globe. He also serves on boards and partners with like-minded organizations to provide service to the community.
You can find Diversify or Die in hard cover, soft cover or e-book/Kindle on Amazon. If you are interested in Eric’s public speaking or training services, please contact us at Eric.Guthrie@BetterMEBetterWE.com
Eric Guthrie is the best selling author of Diversify or Die
If Your Organization is Not Evolving, it is Dying!
• Is your corporation looking for new and innovative ways to increase profits and employee productivity?
• Does your 501(c)(3) need to expand your donor base, grant options, and access to volunteers?
• Is your educational institution doing all that it can to increase the diverse student body, professors and teachers, and administrative staff?
• Does your small business need a competitive advantage?
Benefits of our program
- Increase Profits
- Increase Productivity
- Improve Your Competitive Advantage
- Improve Recruitment Of Talented Applicants

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